After a particularly rough day of entrepreneurship, you may find yourself hiding in the closet with a glass of wine, flipping through photos of your kids on your phone. They make you smile, but are you in any of the photos? That's where I come in.
I'm Colie, and I teach family photographers how to have a sustainable and profitable business. Before we get too far, it's a nickname for Nicole so you pronounce it "Cole-ee". It is not Collie like a dog.
It is important that I be someone you wouldn't mind having a drink with. No, having an actual martini with me isn't a requirement for learning from me, BUT this is likely to blossom into a long-term relationship as I mentor my students year after year. My superpower is making education so much fun. It's a waste of all of our time if you go into this thinking it will be a one-night stand.
show me the goods
teach me colie